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6 Jul 2016



July 6th, 2016, Beijing (China) — On Friday 8th, during the FARO 3D User Conference (PRD JW Marriott Hotel Beijing),  Gexcel will present to the Asian market the innovative and outstanding software solutions to automatic align, organize and combine in a same project the FARO Focus3D static scans and the FARO Freestyle3D high resolution scans.
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Thanks to the collaboration with Guangzhou Scan Technology Ltd., the laser scanning 3D documentation surveying activities at the Foshan Chin Woo Assembly Hall (Chungshan Park, Foshan, China) will be presented. JRC 3D Reconstructor® has been successfully used for this important survey finalized to a restoration project. This example is a clear demonstration that using a powerful software like JRC 3D Reconstructor®, the data processing and the output extraction workflows give you excellent results in an easy and fast way.

Mr. Yangting, from Guangzhou Scan Technology Ltd., said:

«In 2016, Guangzhou Scan Technology Ltd. was commissioned by Chin Woo Athletic Association to conduct a survey of the assembly hall for restoration purpose. With the help of Faro Focus3D X130 scanner and Gexcel JRC 3D Reconstructor® software, a series of high-resolution point cloud images were generated and an accurate set of survey drawings were delivered later on as reference for restoration design in the coming future».

«Foshan Chin Woo Assembly Hall, located in Chungshan Park, Foshan, was the largest and most well preserved Chin Woo hall in China. Built in 1935 (24th year of the Republic), the exterior of the building had the elements of ancient Chinese architecture: a double-eaves hip-and-gable roof with green glazed roofing tiles. While looked from the outside, it was a traditional seven-bay-wide corridor building, a modern steel truss design was adopted to create a long-span, column-free space inside the stadium. In 1998, Chin Woo Assembly Hall has been officially approved by Foshan government as one of the municipal culture relics. It has been forced shut down in 2010, however, due to poor condition resulting from lack of proper maintenance».

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Find here the original Chinese text

佛山精武体育会馆,是目前中国境内保存最好、规模最大的精武会馆。位于佛山禅城区中山公园内,建于1935年(中华民国二十四年)。该建筑外观为中国传统建筑形式,采用重檐歇山屋顶,上覆绿色琉璃瓦;下七开间柱廊,内部使用现代的钢结构桁架营造大跨度空间,是中国二十世纪初折衷主义现代建筑的代表作。1998年被佛山市政府认定为佛山市级别的文物保护单位。20104月,由于精武会馆建筑年久失修,精武体育会宣布闭馆。2016年思勘测绘技术有限公司受精武体育会委托,对该建筑进行三维激光测量。该项目使用Faro X130作为现场数据采集工具,并使用JRC 3D Reconstructor 进行三维点云的处理工作,获得的点云切片用于现状测绘图的绘制参考。最终的成果为达到修缮精度要求的测绘图。

About Gexcel
Gexcel Srl has a rich history spanning more than 10 years of proven fully featured lidar and imagery analysis software packages with the JRC 3D Reconstructor®, completely compatible with all terrestrial, mobile and airborne scanners from manufacturers such as Faro, Teledyne-Optech, Riegl, Stonex, Topcon, Trimble and Z+F. Gexcel Srl was established in 2007 from the academic know-how of the University of Brescia and the applied research achievements of the European Joint Research Centre (JRC), located in Ispra (Italy). Gexcel Srl is proud to support all major standard formats such as the ASTM E57 and LAS.

For more information please contact:
arch. Giorgia Rossi
International Sales Manager | Gexcel Srl
Phone: +39 030 65 95 001


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